Español / English
▶ Plumero llegó a la perrera en abril de 2022 y tenía aproximadamente 2 años de edad a su llegada. Él es un breton que fue encontrado vagando por las calles y llevado a la perrera.
Plumero llegó con su preciosa amiga, Vallerina.
▶ Plumero arrived at Los Barrios pound in April 2022 and was about 2 years old on arrival. He is a gorgeous breton that was found presumably abandoned in the streets and brought to the pound.
This lovely, friendly boy arrived at the pound with his friend Vallerina. Their owners know they are at the pound but haven’t bothered to come and get them. Really with owners like that, the pound is the best place for them as we are sure they will find the loving forever family they deserve. They are a very sweet couple who enjoy each other’s company and love to snuggle up together. Plumero is a typical Breton with lots of energy and also very affectionate and loving. His cherry eye will be operated on prior to his adoption.
Valerina has now been adopted and Plumero lives in a cage with other dogs and he is so playful and it seems he has settled a bit better now.
genero:Macho raza:Breton Español altura:55 cm peso:16 kg adulto Fecha nacimiento aproximada:04/2020(2 años, 2 meses) Fecha llegada:27/04/2022(2 meses, 16 días)